Energy Healing $150.00 - $150.00

Metaphysical Anatomy Technique Healing

St Andrews VIC 3761, Australia

This powerful technique works on the fundamental human principle that your physical and emotional bodies are barometers for your soul.


Your body is an incredible communicator.

At your very core, is your soul, your truth, your pure and perfect self.

And your soul wants you to live in your natural state of perfect peace, love, and joy, not resistance, pain, and emotional turmoil.

So your soul will always alert you to unresolved trauma that is keeping you stuck, causing you to be triggered, creating unhealthy patterns, anxiety, depression, addiction, attracting toxic relationships, and sabotaging your health and lifestyle with bad choices.

And the way this is communicated to you is either via emotional turmoil or physical pain and ailments.


The Metaphysical Anatomy Technique (MAT), works closely to identify core emotions, including those attached to pain, injury, and ailments.

In identifying psychosomatic patterns, we can quickly find the root cause of the trauma.

However, this process does NOT require you to revisit your trauma, relive it or even necessarily know how or when the trauma was embedded.

MAT allows us to uncover physical responses to emotions, so we can disconnect those associations, breaking the cycle of being triggered.

This is a powerful, thorough, and deep process, that allows us to clear and heal generational, ancestral, and past life trauma, without even needing to know where it came from.

We can also identify and clear womb trauma, transferred emotions, identity overlay, and negative energetic attachments.

Sessions are guided, gentle, and use a combination of powerful techniques, processes, and quantum healing, to help you complete the cycle of trauma you have been stuck in, bringing you emotional and physical relief.


MAT is for anyone who wants to begin or deepen their healing journey.

It’s for anyone who feels stuck in a negative cycle of anger, grief, anxiety, low self-esteem, confusion, depression, addiction, self-sabotage, sadness, powerlessness, resentment, just to name a few.

MAT is for anyone who suffers from ailments, internally or topically, physical pain, aches.

This process can help you break free from toxic family patterns, clearing transferred trauma from your parents that you feel you’ve inherited because none of this belongs to you.


Sessions are held online via Zoom.


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